The second song in our trilogy deals with the worship and idolization of leaders coupled with blind obedience. It is shocking to what extent this can be found in our society today
“Sapere aude”
Time has come. Since totady you will find our new single “Puppeteer” on the common plattforms. A song in our current setup. Recorded, mastered and mixed at Hidden Planet Studios in Berlin. The artwork cover once again from the fantastic photographer Frank-Günther from Wandlitz (see links).
We hope you like it!
Finally the time has come. We shot our second video on May 18, 2024. It will be released at 22.02.2025
Many thanks in advance to Allan Feitor and everyone else involved!
At the end of last year we finally were able to record new material in the current formation down in the hidden planet studios in berlin. We recorded tree tracks, which will be released seperatly as singles with their own cover. At the 01.06.24 “The Puppeteer” will see the light of day. Followed by “The Saivior” at 15.06.24. Last but not least: “Stardust” will be released contemporaneous at 22.02.2025 with it´s own video.
So stay tuned..